Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Myths and Facts About Pain and Older Adults

Article provided by: Senior Helpers (see contact info at end of article)

Answers to "Myths and Facts About Pain and Older Adults"

1. Pain is a normal part of aging.
Myth. Although older adults are more likely to experience pain, it is not a "symptom" of aging, and should not be considered as inevitable.

2. It would be great to eliminate all pain!
Myth. Pain is a signal to the brain that something threatens the well-being of the body. It is the mechanism that warns us of injury or illness. Without it, we could not survive.

3. Sometimes pain is caused by injury to the nerves themselves.
Fact. Sometimes the nerves send "false signals" that something is wrong with a body part or organ. Damage to the nerves, spinal cord, and brain can cause this persistent pain.

4. Pain can be "all in your head." Myth...and Fact. While most pain is the result of physical causes, how we think about pain can make a difference. Stress and anxiety magnify our perception of pain, which leads to more stress and anxiety. But the cycle can be broken through pain control techniques.

5. Medication is the only treatment that can relieve pain. Myth. There are many other options for pain treatment--physical therapy, massage, exercise, regional anesthesia, relaxation training, yoga, and biofeedback, to name a few.

6. Antidepressant medications can be effective in treating pain. Fact. Low doses of antidepressants can be especially effective against nerve pain, possibly because they affect the chemical reaction of nerve cells.

7. Because of the danger of addiction, many pain medications should be avoided. Myth. Certain medications (morphine, codeine, and related drugs) can cause physical dependency, and are prescribed with caution. But researchers now believe that these drugs can have a positive impact on quality of life when used exclusively for the treatment of pain.

8. Older adults are less likely than younger people to ask their healthcare providers for pain relief.
Fact. While older adults are the most likely to experience pain, they are the group that is least likely to ask for help. This can stem from the mistaken belief that they are "just getting old," or "don't want to be a bother." In reality, treating pain can improve the quality of life for older adults, and preserve function and independence.

9. The recommended dosage of pain medication remains the same as we age. Myth. Decreased kidney function may cause substances to be excreted more slowly, which could allow a toxic dose to build up. Side effects of medications are also more common in older adults. And for people taking drugs for multiple conditions, it's important that the pharmacist and healthcare provider have a complete list of all their medications, to avoid harmful interactions.

10. To protect the joints, a person with arthritis pain should not exercise.
Myth. Exercise is actually the most important treatment for controlling pain and preventing disability in people with conditions such as arthritis. Increased strength and flexibility bring a better blood supply to muscles and joints. The person's healthcare provider can "prescribe" an appropriate exercise program.

Untreated pain can cause a significant decline in the well-being and quality of life of older adults, resulting in fatigue and depression, anxiety, withdrawal from social life and reduced ability to perform the activities of daily living. So if you or someone you know is experiencing chronic pain, it is important to work with the healthcare provider to determine the most effective treatment. Pain relief is an essential part of good healthcare!

Contact Information
Chad Neighbors
(401) 825-7200
Warwick, Rhode Island


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